
Politweet – brilliant web 2.0 app

Twitter is a phenomenon, in certain crowds. Its a micro-blogging tool. Or, sort of like IMing to an open audience. Some people become massively addicted, and a few are key personalities that everyone follows.

I use it to keep an ear out for interesting stuff. Because I “follow” people in my industry I get some useful insight, but the signal to noise ratio is pretty high, if you know what I mean. It may be satisfying to share with the world that you’re in a good mood today, but it doesn’t make for a really compelling read.

But Politweet turns that around. I now can follow something very interesting to me – by subject. In theory, anyone who chimes in on the US presidential campaigns will turn up on Politweets.

This kind of thinking could go a thousand different ways. What I like about it is that it takes something vaguely interesting and useful (Twitter) and adds a new dimension to it that makes it much more interesting.  Yeah- originality.